so this summer my dear friend charlie is getting married and i need to figure out something amazing and awesome to get/make her with my limited amount of skills.
and i've already hinted that my other dear friend amy will be getting married next year... i will hopefully accomplish making her quilt which in my awesome thinking patterns should be a mix of embroidery/quilting magic -- my plan is to do a basic square for the top, rotating blues, then switching to greens for the bottom and covering it with a brown/green pattern to make it look like a tree. her wedding is going to be tree themed and i'm probably more excited to plan it than anything... and now that i've mentioned all this i have to find a way to hide my blog from her until that very day... hmmm.. not well thought out i guess...
but the problem with charlie is that she knows how to make all of this amazing stuff... in fact, she gave me my sewing machine and is teaching me all of the skills i have... so what can i make a person who is already out skilling me?? AND her wedding is THIS AUGUST! i need skills! i need suggestions! and thoughts. and a good boost of encouragement that my dreams will some day become realities...
sewing can be very scary at first, but it gets so much easier the more you do it. august is plenty of time. you can do it. but you gotta start now and just dive in. I'm so excited that I found your blog. I'm completely following now, I hope you will as well. I started my blog a little over a month ago. It's all about celebrity fashion from the point of view of an LA stylist. Stop by to see multiple post a day on all the latest celebrity fashion news. Would love your support. xoxo
thanks for the support!! i definitely need to get started on something lol.